Growing Families God's Way!
Hearing God's Promises To Man On Our Dads'Uni YouTube Channel
Simple strategies to help fathers cope with the stresses of modern life.
The step by step process Jesus taught us to enable us to enter the Rest available in God's Kingdom
What is the best way to ensure your relationship and family have the best possible chance in life? What are God's Promises To Man In Relationships?
This audiobook gives a biblical understanding of the basics of prayer. Practical Keys on how to pray.
Courage, Consistency and Caring are foundations stones for anyone desiring to build a loving family that will last the test of time
When we know what God has promised us we find the peace we need to live in troubled times.
These simple steps can help a regular dad become a great one! What are God's Promises To Man In Relationships?
This audiobook lays a foundation for family life that every young father can build upon for a wonderful future.
God set a pattern in the beginning to ensure that our children have the best possible future. What are God's Promises To Man In Relationships?
A collection of short teachings from the DadsUNI archives. Well worth listening!
God is not as far away as you think, and He wants you to find Him
Learn from other peoples mistakes, so you don't have to learn from your own!
Simple keys to help improve your family life. What are God's Promises To Man In Relationships?
What is Biblical Prayer? This teaching looks at what Jesus and the early church taught about it
7 Points about the Christian Celebration of Easter and its importance in every individual's life
Sometimes we are so busy with life that we don't realise all that God is doing around us.
The philosophical basis upon which the teachings of DadsUni stem from, including the acronym UNI
This teaching looks at the Biblical Principle of Exchange, which is available to believers in Jesus Christ
4 Insights into how Heaven looks and Runs
Resisting Temptation Successfully teaches simple actionable keys to victorious living
A step by step guide to understanding and practicing Biblical Meditation
Biblical keys on how to be free from Guilt and Shame
This important Christian teaching looks at an area that every believer should be careful to avoid
Pleasing God is one of the first things that Christian believers should be aiming for in life
Biblical insights to follow about how God governs His own family
Every man should understand these truths if they are to be successful in protecting their family
This wonderful experience is available to every believer through the inner renewal of the Holy Spirit
God's chosen pathway is easier to find than you may think
3 Things so special to God that His divine purposes and plans are centered around them.
One of the greatest experiences in our life as a man is to become the father we are designed by God to be.