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HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS (The Life Hack To Modern Parenting)

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

Fun as a family
Having fun is the easiest way to be a great dad

HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS (The Life Hack To Modern Parenting)

HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS- Great Dads have lots of fun with their kids

I think it’s worth mentioning that we as ‘fathers’ should have an overall goal about what we want to achieve as a dad. This should include but not be limited to: the type of dad we want to become, and most importantly how we want our child’s life to turn out eventually.

Everything we do as fathers should be to strengthen our relationship with our children and assist us in raising resilient children. Regular fun with our kids is one of the most effective ways to strengthen that bond.


HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS- Being known as a fun Dad

If your child could pick just a few words to describe you as a father what would those words be? Some children may say ‘My dad is strict ‘, others ‘My dad goes to the gym ‘, while others may say ‘My dad travels for work’. None of these areas identified are wrong in themselves and each of them has a place in life, but I put it to you that they should not be the primary way we are identified by our child.

The reason for that is because ‘being strict ‘, ‘going to the gym‘, or ‘traveling for work‘ don’t strengthen your relational bond with your child, as these descriptions can be spoken without a sense of joy and love by your child. These statements can often be perceived as an explanation defining a reason why the relationship between you isn’t very close. These statements are ‘impersonal’ and there is no emotional attachment that comes with them.

However, if your child’s response to the question above was ‘My dad loves me‘ or ‘My dad reads bedtime stories to me‘ or ‘My dad is lots of fun‘, then it is easy to understand that these responses describe a relational bond that is strong and growing stronger. Having fun with your kids is an enjoyable way to upgrade your Dad credibility in their eyes. ‘Great Dads’ are known primarily by their children as being fun to be around.


HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS- Being spontaneous

In our modern world, many men’s lives are so structured by work commitments that every aspect of it is written in their diary and every minute is accounted for religiously. If this is an accurate description of your life, you should not be surprised if it seems to resemble that of a robot a little more than that of a ‘human being’ in the eyes of a child. Whatever we as fathers choose as being important is being observed by little eyes and registered in little hearts, and they are evaluating where they fit into your busy schedule and how important they are to you.

It is for this reason that we must look closely at our own lifestyle choices, and be open to making corrections when they are needed. As a father we need to show our children/family that they are our greatest priority in life, and not just another scheduled meeting in our diary.

Doing things on the spur of the moment occasionally adds a degree of the unknown and an aspect of adventure to your child’s life. Being spontaneous helps avoid the ‘boring’ name tag that day-to-day life often wears. Stopping off at a park on the way home, helping someone that you see is in need, dropping into your favorite fast food restaurant occasionally, it all helps keep the enjoyment in family life. ‘Great Dads’ have an element of unpredictable playfulness in their lives that adds a little excitement to family life.


HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS- Sharing your love for life

One of the best things we can do for our children is to impart to them an attitude of loving life, and the joy of discovering new things and new places while enjoying the company of friends and family.

Our children follow our lead in many areas of life and when they see you loving life and experiencing joy and happiness it imparts hope into their young hearts that their life will also be filled with joy. But if we are grumpy every day and negative about the challenges we face in life they will often follow our lead in this area and they will have a negative attitude in life as well. ‘Great Dads’ are mindful that their children develop a love for life.


HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS- Going to interesting places

I believe it is important to get your children out of the house/apartment regularly to enjoy the many wonderful things that are around us and to experience the beauty of nature. This can be as simple as going to a local beach, dropping into a museum or a music recital, going to a zoo, or even going to watch your favorite team play. Taking your children fishing or camping in the woods gives them a wonderful opportunity to experience the wonders of creation firsthand, and while you enjoy it together as a family you are strengthening your relational bond.

We as fathers need to open up opportunities for our children to experience as many interesting aspects of life as possible so that they can discover those areas they are drawn to and will become involved in later in life. ‘Great Dads’ are constantly thinking up new and interesting places to take their children.


HAVING FUN WITH YOUR KIDS- Letting your hair down

I have found personally that by playing with my children often as they were growing I re-awakened my creativity and love for life. This is just one of the many benefits you will find from being a fully involved father and parent. I believe that you should let your child see your playful side too as well as your strict side so they might understand that you are fun and approachable and not merely an authoritative parent.

I recently saw a quote that stated, “Children go where the fun is, but always return to where the love is”, this is an accurate insight into the needs and wishes of a child. However, my take on this quote is how much better it would be if they found love and fun within the family environment that you have created as ‘the father’. ‘Great Dads’ are men who have realized the joy and long-term relational benefits of having lots of fun with their children.

God Bless



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Aug 26, 2024

Well said @DadsUni

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