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WHY DO WE NEED DADS’UNI? (Historical Problems And Solutions)

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

In this teaching, we find out why Dads'Uni exists by looking at some historical problems and solutions required.

Moral and Ethical Solutions
Modern Society was built upon Moral and Ethical Foundations

WHY DO WE NEED DADS’UNI? (Historical Problems And Solutions)

Historical Problems And Solutions- The Current State Of Play

The morals and ethics of any society or nation are the fabric that holds it together. The way that we relate to each other, and treat our fellow man will ultimately influence our entire nation, either for good or for evil. Without a solid moral and ethical framework a society begins to break down, piece by piece, person by person, family by family, suburb by suburb, and city by city.

The breakdown happens slowly over several generations until it implodes upon itself and is destroyed. Although the decline seems slow from where we stand in history, it is measurable, measured by several factors of which we are all aware:

Divorce rates, crime rates, youth suicide on the increase, the widespread breakdown of the family unit, the huge increase in the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions in our nation, violence in our schools and streets, and gang-related crime.


Historical Problems And Solutions- The Industrial Revolution

To find a solution to the problems we face as a society we must first identify how they began. Within the 20th Century, two major revolutions profoundly affected society, the first was the industrial revolution and the second was the sexual revolution. The Industrial Revolution transformed society from one that was originally based upon an agricultural and farming base, to one that became primarily an industry base.

It took the men and the fathers out of their homes and placed them in the factories and workplaces. They were no longer available 24/7 to raise their sons and daughters and to teach them how they should go in life but were often absent for 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week making a living to support their families financially. Many of you may recognize a similar situation in your time schedules.

The parenting role began to fall more and more to the mothers as the men went off to work each day. Men no longer had the input into raising the children as they had for generations past, and what was previously a cooperative effort between both parents, became almost solely the mother's responsibility. This fundamental change in how we raised our children was to have a profound effect over the next two generations, as the father’s role seemed to decrease more and more.


Historical Problems And Solutions- The Sexual Revolution

The second revolution faced in the 20th Century was the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. They called it 'The Age of Aquarius', a major cultural change. The revolution encouraged free sex and experimentation with drugs, it encouraged rebellion against authority and what is called moral and ethical relativism, where 'if it feels good and doesn't hurt anybody else, do it!' It gave birth to a philosophical position of 'no absolutes', where every fact or creed is challenged and often discarded.

Psalm 2 says  " Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing, the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against The Lord and against His Anointed, saying ' let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us."

The revolution of the 1960s was determined to free itself from the moral and ethical framework of our society, to reach for a higher goal. They aspired to greater freedom, but a generation later we find ourselves even more in bondage. The better life that they hoped for has not eventuated. It is time to return to the moral and ethical foundations that made our nations great, a framework that works and has been proven over many hundreds of years.


Historical Problems And Solutions- Restoring Proven Foundations

Our foundation stones have been laid in the Judaeo Christian Ethic, The Ten Commandments, and the teachings of the Holy Bible. As we as fathers and the leaders of our families, return to the moral and ethical standards of the bible, we will strengthen the next generation. We will rebuild the firm foundation for them to stand upon so that our children and their children will know the stability and strength God has destined for them.

God Bless



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Dads' UNI Dedication

Dads' UNI Dedication

The Ministry of Dads' UNI is dedicated to the memory of
Daniel Isaac Nolan
Born and died 25/08/1998
Aged 1 Hour

(A Family  Of Four) DadsUni- Growing Families Gods Way
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